Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I am trying, really trying to make my ipad more a part of my life.  I usually get all my news from MPR. I don't even watch the TV news that often.  So I decided to give Flipbook a try.  I even got a twitter account.  I had to search put people to follow.
I know I am pretty ignorant about many things in education, so I follow Joyce Valenza.  I like MPR, so I subscribed to the Updraft.  But I have to force myself to look at it.  I just don't turn on the ipad everyday.
Sigh, I feel like the bottom of the class.  But at least I am trying!

Friday, March 14, 2014

#3 stand app

This app is meant to get you out of your chair on a regular basis if you tend to sit at a desk all day.  I had trouble getting it to remind me at regular intervals (like every 30 minutes).  So instead I had to set the alarm for specific times.  I don't always use the iPad, i often am at the desktop, so this was not so good for me.  If I was a person who had her phone on the desk all the time, it would make more sense.  But, since I am not a constant phone user, this was silly.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

#2 tips and tricks

It has been so long since I set up my blog, that it took a little fumbling to find how to blog again.  I find it funny that the speaker from co-pilot assumes everyone uses an iPhone.  I need to learn how to do more with my iPad.  I know to do the basics: mostly check email and surf, now how can I use this device for work.  Looking forward!